May 18, 2021

Seeking Ascension /Finding Jesus: A Journey Out Of The New Age

In “Seeking Ascension, Finding Jesus” Ex-New Ager, Theresa Gentry, shares her dramatic journey from being an eclectic spiritual practitioner to becoming a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Her story is full of twists, turns, and supernatural encounters along the way.

Theresa shares an intimate window into her traumatic past. Her coping mechanisms and addictions led to debilitating health problems which became a gateway into the New Age where she desperately searched for the answers to heal and become truly whole.

Throughout over a decade of seeking, Theresa collected many spiritual titles including Ceremonial Artist, Altered Consciousness Specialist, Multi-Dimensional Priestess, Medicine Woman, Psychic, Healer and Teacher in a continued attempt to find spiritual wholeness and true healing.

Her journey led her on spiritual pilgrimages all over the world from Burning Man, conscious festivals, and psychedelic ceremonies, to gathering with thousands of other seekers at Chichen Itza, the infamous Mayan Pyramid, on December 21st, 2012 with a hope and a prayer to help humanity ascend into “5D consciousness”.  

Despite her accumulated esoteric knowledge and spiritual insight, there was no end in sight to attaining the true peace and wholeness she longed for all her life—until she had a dramatic encounter with Jesus that changed everything.  

Theresa’s story will challenge Christians and New Agers alike as “Seeking Ascension, Finding Jesus” tells a powerful story about a desperate search to find wholeness, healing, and forgiveness through the New Age—and of the peace, she finally found in Jesus.

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