August 3, 2021

Is Christianity A Cult? W/Alisa Childers

In our latest episode, we are joined by Alisa Childers & address a popular notion that seems to be amongst many that biblical Christianity is a cult.

Do the accusations of Cultish just being a “Cult talking about Cults” hold any weightj

ust because we approach cults from a Christian worldview?    

-How does one go about being “objective” when dealing with world of cults? -How do we account for the abuse & hurt that so many have

experienced in the church that many would consider Cult like?      

-Are those who identify as being deconstructing/ex evangelicals or progressive’s  doing so by way of critical thinking or are they embracing something more attune to historically be considered a cult?      

Turn on your thinking cap & tune in to find out! You Can find more about Alisa at

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