
27. What is the Great Tribulation?(Revelation 7:9-13)

The Book of Revelation Lessons 27. What is the Great Tribulation?(Revelation 7:9-13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording quality is diminished on some tapes but the content is excellent.

Picture of Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Dr. Greg Bahnsen

1. Should You Study Revelation?(Revelation 1:1-3)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

2. Christ the Faithful Witness(Revelation 1:4-6)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

3. A Nation of Kings & Priests(Revelation 1:6-7)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

4. Outpuring of the Spirit(Revelation 1:7)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

5. The Tribulation(Revelation 1:9)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

6. John's Vision(Revelation 1:10-20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

7. The Description of the Church(Revelation 1:16-20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

8. Letter to the Church at Ephesus(Revelation 2:1-7)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

9. Letter to the Church at Smyrna(Revelation 2:8-9)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

10. Letter to the Church at Smyrna Cont.(Revelation 2:9-11)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

11. Letter to the Church at Pergamum(Revelation 2:12-17)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

12. Letter to the Church in Thyatira(Revelation 2:18-20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

13. Letter to the Church in Thyatira Cont.(Revelation 2:18-20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

14. Letter to the Church at Sardis(Revelation 3:1-6 )

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

15. Letter to the Church at Philadelphia(Revelation 3:7-13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

16. Letter to the Church at Laodicea(Revelation 3:14-22)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

17. Ovecoming Summary(Revelation 1-3)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

18. Outline of Revelation(Revelation 4:1)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

19. Sovereignty of God in Creation(Revelation 4)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

20. Sovereignty of God in Redemption(Revelation 5)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

21. Sovereignty of God in Redemption Cont.(Revelation 5)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

22. Discussion Breaking of the Seven Seals Review(Revelation 1-5)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

23. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse First Four Seals(Revelation 6:1-8)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

24. Fifth & Sixth Seals(Revelation 6:9-17)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

25. The Sealing of the Saints(Revelation 7:1-4)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

26. The Identification of the 144,000(Revelation 7:1-4)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

27. What is the Great Tribulation?(Revelation 7:9-13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

28. Summary of the Seven Seals(Revelation 7:14-17)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

29. Critique of Cyclical Approach & Overview(Revelation 8-22)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

30. Review & Preview Revelation(Revelation 1-22)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

31. Overview the First Enemy Rome(Revelation 8-12)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

32. Overview the Second Enemy Rome(Revelation 13-18)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

33. The Seventh Seal Opened(Revelation 8:1-13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

34. The Abyss Opened(Revelation 9:1-20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

35. Roman Locusts(Revelation 8:13 - 9:21)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

36. Christ the Avenger(Revelation 9:1-21)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

37. Mystery of God Finished(Revelation 10:1-7)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

38. Contents of the Little Book(Revelation 10:8-11 2)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

39. Two Witnesses(Revelation 11:1-13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

40. Kingdom Became Christ's(Revelation 11:14-19)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

41. Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. 1(Revelation 11:14-19)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

42. Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. 2(Revelation 11:14-19)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

43. Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. 3(Revelation 11:14-19)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

44. Topical Summary(Revelation 1:11)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

45. The Red Dragon, Woman, & Child(Revelation 12)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

46. The Red Dragon, Woman, & Child Cont.(Revelation 12)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

47. The Beast(Revelation 13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

48. The Beast & Human Culture(Revelation 13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

49. The Beast Cont.(Revelation 13:11-17)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

50. The Struggle & the Resistors(Revelation 13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

50. Identification of the First Beast(Revelation 13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

52. Identification of the First Beast, Cont.(Revelation 13)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

53. Visions & Angels(Revelation 14:6-11)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

54. Angels & the Savior(Revelation 14-15)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

55. The Seven Bowls of Wrath(Revelation 16)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

56. The Judgement of Rome(Revelation 17:1-18)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

57. The Fall of Rome(Revelation 18)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective del ivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til....

58. Two Suppers & Armageddon(Revelation 19)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

59. The Essence of the Three Millennial Views, Pt. 1(Revelation 20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

60. The Essence of the Three Millennial Views, Pt. 2(Revelation 20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

61. The Essence of the Three Millennial Views, Pt. 3(Revelation 20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

62. The Essence of the Three Millennial Views, Pt. 4(Revelation 20)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

63. Conclusion of the Book of Revelation(Revelation 20-22)

A full and detailed exposition of the book of Revelation from the preterist and postmillennial perspective delivered by Dr. Bahnsen (1977-78), one which has influenced other writers today and was personally praised by Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Recording...

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