
5. Reconstructing All Areas of Life – Work/Labor

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of thought.

Picture of Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Dr. Greg Bahnsen

1. Overview - Why All the Fuss?

Dr. Bahnsen offers a very basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of thought. ...

2. Overview - Why All the Fuss? Pt. 2

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

3. Reconstructing All Areas of Life - The Family

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

4. Reconstructing All Areas of Life - The Church

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

5. Reconstructing All Areas of Life - Work/Labor

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

6. Reconstructing All Areas of Life - The State

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

7. Jesus Our Lord - Jesus Christ As Ascended King

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

8. Jesus Our Lord - Jesus & The Law

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

9. Jesus Our Lord - Christ & Democracy

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

10. Transformed Thinking - Believers As Salt & Light

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

11. Transformed Thinking - Loving God With All Our Minds

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

12. Transformed Thinking - Christianity Vs. Secular Humanism

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

13. Historical Transformation - Revelation in Preterist Perspective

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

14. Historical Transformation - Confidence in Gospel Prosperity

Dr. Bahnsen offers a ver basic and personally transforming introduction to the Christian Reconstruction school of...

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