Presuppositional Apologetics and Mormonism

4 Lectures
Picture of Jeff Durbin

Jeff Durbin

Jeff Durbin is Pastor/Elder of Apologia Church in Tempe since it was founded in February of 2010. He worked for many years as a hospital chaplain. Jeff is a popular speaker for camps, conferences, churches & schools across the nation. He has participated in outreach to various religious organizations nationwide and has even engaged in public debate against Atheism. Jeff was featured on a series for the History Channel, “The Stoned Ages” which reviewed the Christian approach and philosophy concerning drug and alcohol addiction. Jeff co-hosts Apologia Radio and Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the US and internationally. Both shows are available via Apologia Studios. He also leads Apologia’s ministry, End Abortion Now, whose goal is to criminalize and end abortion through the work of the local church and state legislation. Jeff is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts. He starred in popular video games, movies and tours. He played Michelangelo and Donatello for the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” franchise as well as Johnny Cage in “Mortal Combat” the world-tour. Our younger followers may have even seen him as a fighter in MTV’s “The Final Fu”. Jeff has been married to his bride, Candi, for over 20 years. They have 5-children: Sage, Immagin, Saylor, Stellar, and Augustine.

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